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KRATER is an electronic music project based on the construction of sound scapes from the canary islands using traditional instruments and nature elements that are digitally processed after. Is the result of an environment interpretation that far apart from any sign of identity from the canary islands making a new vision of the traditional elements through an electronic music format

This project pretends to manipulate rutine daily sounds to adapt them to a new musical environment open to experimentation and evolution of differen t electronic music styles without concentrating in any one in particular. KRATER is composed by Luis Ortiz. Cristobal Montesdeoca and Raul Gonzalez in charge of the musical part and Amanda Lopez, artist in charge of transmitting through her visual art the concept of KRATER developing a similar process to the audio part with images from the canary island




Acid Buda is an iconoclastic musician which artwork is focused on making songs, from the prism of transgression and sonic sweetness. Taking as media analogic synthetisers, his voice and various effects, obtains mutated pop, adding some dub rests, using psicodelic blankets or creating electronic allegories, always under an original and emotional premise.



- music is made by all, not by one -
While the West German city of Düsseldorf, split in two by the river Rhine, tends to be best known for its administration, trade and advertising, it also harbours a strong tradition in fine arts and music dating back to the 18th century.

In its very own way, Mapstation pursues and continues this tradition. With 'I begin to know the map' tahis solo project of Stefan Schneider, a founding member of Kreidler (1994-1999) and contributor to the modernist landscapes of the Berlin/Düsseldorf trio To Rococo Rot, now presents a very personal selection of previous Mapstation releases and unreleased tracks supplied exclusively for this compilation.


CARMELO FERNANDEZ ( Contemporary Dance )


Choreographer and dancer, but always confuse him with a technician. Changes shape in Spain and France with an incredible variety of techniques with which gets work with Wim Vandekeybus. Sickened by so much beating and foreign addresses goef to Canary Islands, with the idea of god riding and for eight years works with his structure el ojo de la where develops his creative work while organizing the festival a ras de suelo and the creation center el hueco. In 2006 god punishes and takes everything and since then to serve his sentence dances for charity events and develops projects with theater companys. Currently manages a project for artists residences DAT




Carlos Butler is an independent electronic music composer and producer from the Canary Islands who has been in the business for ten years. After experiencing in ambient, dub and techno, he has found his personal voice in an experimental style based on psybient, soundtrack and futurist downbeats. I’m not interested in repeating clichés to reach any comercial status- he says. And in fact his music is pure creativity and energy influenced by visual arts and poetry and based on his own esthetic and structural principles. Right now he is working in a collaborative multimedia art project focused on producing technology based multi-sensory and conceptual experiencies. He has published three releases with ‘Rildrim’ and another two with his past project ‘Silence’ and has performed with artists like Johan Skugge and LOD.


FORM UND ZEIT (  Lars Ullrich and Arístides García )


“Form und Zeit“ is a collaborative project between the artists Lars Ullrich and Arístides García, which explores the geometry of the time and its graphical perception.
Sound reactive visual motifs creating a dynamic and precise speech, developed under the premise of the physical examination and using for it microrythms and abstract textures.
Lars Ullrich: Sound design
Arístides García (lasal): Realtime audioreactive visuals



Regina Antúnez, lover of the photography discovers her passion for the image in movement when she learns about the softwares to mix video in direct, these give her the possibility to make visual collages , cutting and giving everything what she finds and is of use to tell her vision of the world.
Her main and recurrent topic are mankind and their Culture, science and technology . In her style is always present her taste for the psicodelia, the color and the evocation of the fantasy.




Gregorio Viera (1971) is a multidiscipline artist, a graphic designer and a VJ (video performance artist), specialized in video, multimedia and web interactivity.  Born in Tenerife he currently lives in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. He studied and worked in Madrid and in Germany for several years. He produces works in the field of artistic action that substantially involve videocreation, scenic action and multimedia.




Nacido en Las Palmas de G.C. en 1964.Se forma como bailarín en Las Palmas de G.C. y Madrid.Ha bailado con las compañías Andanza, Provisional danza, Platanera, El ojo de la faraona y  Perroverde.Ayudante de dirección de Carmen Werner en Provisional danza.Creador y colaborador habitual en el espacio del colectivo El Hueco.En el año 2000 comienza a experimentar con vídeo durante la creación de “Sueño de cangrejos”(Cía. Platanera / Enrique Cárdenes).

Obras en video: "Un ojo al hueco", "El Hueco", "Gallinas", "Pies", "Círculos", "Mete tus narices", "The time is now".Video instalaciones: "Ni pies ni cabeza", "Plástico", "Mask", "En el cielo", "Esquinados", "El otro lado", "Desapariciones", "Salida". Video performances: "En el cielo, en la tierra", "Un minuto más", "Casi", "Pequeño hueco", "Pequeño espacio artificial".



She studied Fine Arts (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Bilbao and Manchester, (2001 - 2006 ), Audiovisuals and Interactive Arts. She is living in Berlin .

Her main artistic production focuses on video art, photography and graphic design, even thought between 1990 y 2000, her creative interest was linked to music. She played in two rocks bands, Soviet Love and Saliva , and a few individual music proyects too.
She has taken part in electronic music proyects of Klitekture Records label and Sinergy-Networks net label, translating the works of diferent artist into the minimal electronic scene, to visual shape. From 2002 she has participated as visual performer in meetings, concerts, festivals, etc.,(CCCB, FAD -Barcelona-; MUSAC -León-;OPA -París-; Colourstudio -Tokio-;Dispatch -Belgrado-; etc. ...).

+info: Amanda Lopez websiteAmanda Lopez Flickr / Amanda Lopez Youtube

RECCREATIVA ( Aurora Ramón & Raquel Rodríguez )


Aurora Ramón, visual artist, through creation tries to express about what she is worried, concerned, upset, hurt, fun, love,..., wants to approach the art work to public, implicating them by game, movement or direct manipulation, using the elements that are necessary, paper, miniatures, lighting, or other more elaborated mechanisms.
Currently her artistic and professional work is developed around creation and artistic production.

Raquel Rodríguez, performer and usual creator of el hueco, independent artists collective, has participated in the last five creations of dance company el ojo de la faraona. Collaborates on different multidisciplinary projects. Works as a model and performer for photo and video projects. She is currently developing her research work and next to Aurora Ramón, the project reccreativa.

+ info:


raquel-ponce2---copia raquel-ponce-1

Licensed in History of the Art. One forms and it works like dancer, actress and scenic director in the Canary Islands and Madrid.  Resident artist of the Studies of Production of the Center of Art  La regent. It Member and founder of the artistic group “El hueco”. Co-founder of the Company of new scenic tendencies “Pero verder. Interpreter of numerous spectacles of dance, theater and performance between which honor made with Gary the Stevens (And) and Xavier le RoY (Extensions, Proyect) presented/displayed in different European cities (Amsterdam, Lisbon, Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Geneva among others) Since creative it has made and interpreted the scenic pieces “the last time of always” “Another Stupid North American Film”, “Artematón”  and “Narcisa” among others.




MiRA is a project of long traveled through formed by Mangelt aka Thaiko and rafavalido, they carry years working hand by hand, the first years as djs in the dance floors and later carrying out 'infusion fm', a radio program dedicated to the downtempo electronic, jazz, reggae, dud, triphop...  The last 6 years producing music in the study, they mix the electronics-minimalist one with organic sounds to obtain their vision of the  technology reggae/dub.  They have carried out publications for 'Sinergy-Networks' remixing to Greek origin musician Dimomib for 'Ruin-Records' with that one they have collaborated in the 3 editions of the compilation 'Extraños en el Paraíso' their track 'onosantv' selected by the Siglo XXI radio program (Radio 3) to present the release in the program.




Rafa Valido, a musician and dj that since over 10 years ago linked to the black roots music, the urban music and the electronics.  In his lives we can listen a fusion of the reggae, hip-hop, club and electronic.  It has released his music in labels as the Gran Canarian 'Ruin-Records' and 'Nu-logic' and remixing for Roman Skok published by 'Sinergy-Networks' its last work will be published by 'Human Manipulation' a remix for the Russian artist Nick R-61.  Emphasizing its contributions with Mcs as Mc-Flare (Germany) or Cifra 3 for the amplicrew collective.  Barcelona, Marseilles, Berlin or Canarias are some cities that have been witness of their actions.




Electronic music is the word that defines the passion of Mangelt. 
Combine and merge organic sounds, synthesizers, instrumentation, 
a little old school with new trends, and a continuing search for 
new ways to mark their path. 
   He began to play records at 17, although his interest in music started 
much earlier. The curious and innovative nature drives him to want to be part more directly and with 19 years of fate lay his hands on TR 808 
Roland, which was more than enough to take the next step and start 
produce their own songs. Since then he has worked and works for 
many labels a lot of them known and respected internationally, 
has remixed and collaborated with great artists from the Electronic music scene 
    In defining his music, swing, deep, techouse ... would be some of the right words, as would dekomatic and Plastic Garden Records their own recognized labels by those who usually release their productions along with many other artists.



Gran Canaria born and raised, Jonas got involved in music radio back in 1997.
He defines himself as a compulsive explorer of music, in its broader sense, as eclecticism is one of Jonas' principles as a dj .

His approach reaches such diverse styles as electro or hip-hop, or more complementary ones, as techno and dub are.
From all of these styles, he carefully selects the pieces of a sound puzzle that mainly seeks emotion creation and mindstate alteration, by means of good taste and neat technique.

He has shared decks with artists such as LOD, Gregory Shiff, Mikael Stavostrand or Barem, and his work as member of several local music collectives has helped spreading the electronic culture in the Canary Islands.