El Hueco - inexistent space on creation
Canarias Crea Display 09 has had the participation of artists Carmelo Fernández, Raquel Rodriguez, Enrique Cardenas, Aurora Ramon Gregorio Viera (Gvisual) and Raquel Ponce. All of them belong to El Hueco, independent artists' collective  con-fused between action, body, image

What is El Hueco? Spatial hole at the confluence of creative artistic interests confronting the territories and borders increasingly exist between the scenic area, image, performance, music, visual arts. The Gap is a project that walks intermittent and itinerant after completion, with satisfaction, a period of eight years as a physical space to create and producción. Its main motivation is to generate processes of research, artistic creation and production, activate the thought, reflection, conversation.

Some projects developed or contributed by group of artists of El Hueco:

2005 a ras de suelo.. Literary Cabinet Edition. Producing and performing hits 8 pieces.
2006 lab B9. Balconies 9 - CAAM. Installations, screenings and performances.
2007 space invaders. The mighty Space - Barcelona. Activation of the collective space along with the Holy
2008 January, April SIT. Sala Insular de Teatro programming.
2008 May, meeting interaction, performance and video, Gran Canaria Espacio Digital.
2009 January SIT. Sala Insular de Teatro programming.
2009 July. Programming Espacio Cultural El Tanque.

Some of its components:  Enrique Cardenas, Begoña Vega, Raquel Ponce, Carmelo Fernández, Raquel Rodriguez, Manuel Artiles, Alexandra Falcon, Aurora Ramon, Orlando Ortega, Gregorio Viera, Ruth Moreno, Lola Jimenez, ...



rec2 rec

Here is a complete list of all artist that have participated RECCOLLECTION Berlín, an itinerant project of creative dynamism, driven by visual artist Aurora Ramón and dancer Raquel Rodríguez whose first exhibition took place at Canarias Crea DISPLAY 09.

Enrique Cárdenes, Carmelo Fdez, Beatriz Ruiz, David Martín, Mónica Valenciano, Ana Castro, Lupe Vega, Nuria González, BegoñaVega, Maria Vega, Amanda López, Mauricio González, Lucía Geeteruyen, Sally Espinel, Phillipe Combe, Zeneida Fuentes, Emma Alonso, Javi Torón, Aurelia Gil, Luisa Urréjola, Juanfra Alemán, Jose Torres, Gäel Combe Espinel, Oscar S.Omist, Jordi Dominguez.

Thanks to all

Krater live at Electromechanica (Rusia)

Video from Krater live at Electro Mexanika presented on russian TV Iskusstvo. Click here for further info

Krater live at Canarias Media fest

+ info: www.canariasmediafest.org

Electromechanica 09 Official video promo

Check out this Official video promo from  Electro-Mechanics, a three-day international multimedia festival, Canarias Crea Display will have a showcase with Krater and Acid Buda. The festival will take place at Center for Contemporary Art. Sergey Kuriokhin in St. Petersburg (Rusia). For more information visit the Electromechanika website.


Extraños en el Paraiso vol.3

Since the first volume of this compilation album released by Ruin-Records public and criticism have hailed musicians and their songs, in this third volume is greater hope for success, but it is worthy to admire the hard work of editor that with commitment and dedication is put to work for the work of artists and musicians 'locked in the Canaries' does not fall into oblivion as an ephemeral work and keep it down, through a physical medium, reflected the art and grace of a generation. Thanks Ruin.
(Text extracted from www.rafavalido.com ) More data-Ruin-Records

Several artists who have participated in close compilation also be present at the 3rd edition of the event Canarias Crea Display to be held in Berlin from 3 to December 16, 2009

Mapstation / Paul Wirkus - Forest Full Of Drums (Video)

+ info: www.mapstation.de