A/V Exhibition | | Drucken | |
03-16 december @ Instituto Cervantes Berlin Beyond the gaze ( Enrique Cárdenes ) Enrique Cárdenes is aware of the power of projections to achieve that almost mythical aspirations of some painters to transcend the plane of the canvas. He does it by filming the image of a person moving behind a sheet of plastic, and then projecting it on the entire area of a wall set at the end of the room. With this he conveys the sensation that there actually is someone there, behind that wall that is a transparent as a PVC sheet. Logic warns us that what we are seeing is a trick, yet the senses verify this fake reality. In this way, we become conscious of the existence of mechanisms that can deceive our senses and make us see things that are not real. (Clara Muñoz) Reccreativa: Reccollection
Participants: Enrique Cárdenes, Carmelo Fdez, Beatriz Ruiz, David Martín, Mónica Valenciano, Ana Castro, Lupe Vega, Nuria González, BegoñaVega, Maria Vega, Amanda López, Mauricio González, Lucía Geeteruyen, Sally Espinel, Phillipe Combe, Zeneida Fuentes, Emma Alonso, Javi Torón, Aurelia Gil, Luisa Urréjola, Juanfra Alemán, Jose Torres, Gäel Combe Espinel, Oscar S.Omist, Jordi Dominguez. I´am Inside ( Gvisual / Gregorio Viera )
Through video the possibility of inhabiting drawn or photographed sceneries taken by others, expanding the moment of a still image. Sharing the space with frozen in time characters or taking their place. Achieving an act of occupation of the places that the static images provide. Narcisa ( Raquel Ponce )
Interpreter, creation and edition: Raquel Ponce. SYNOPSIS: Narcisa deepens on the idea of the double by means of the use of an extensive game of mirrors. The double, like a false, simulated other, a bad copy, a supplement. By means of the use of the frame of the camera it tries to construct another space inside the own scenic space. The blind, own points of the frame of the camera, do the times of panel, cut of the na Amanda Lopez + info soon |